Aging is a major risk factor for many human diseases, for example the pandemic disease COVID-19. It is a complex process that progressively compromises most of the biological functions of the organisms, resulting in an increased susceptibility to disease and death.
Cellular metabolism is hallmarks of aging, genetic and pharmacologic alterations of relevant pathways can extend life span and be used to treat age-related diseases like cardiovascular diseases, frailty, fat liver and cancer…
In this symposium, we will focus on the last discoveries about cell aging and metabolism and the potential to develop new therapies to treat age-related diseases.
Besides, we will try to understand better how the cellular metabolism impact on cellular health and advance to improve the elderly population quality of life.
Experimental Rheumatology
Nijmegen Medical Centre
Radboud University, The Netherlands
Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM)
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Neurobiology of Hearing and Myelinopathies Group
UConn Center on Aging
Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences,
UConn Health, USA.
Epitranscritomics & Aging Laboratory
Center for Researh in Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases (CIMUS)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Laboratory of Protein Science, Proteomics and Epigenetic Signaling and Integrated Personalized and Precision Oncology Network
Department of Biomedical Sciences.
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Obesidomics Group
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) Spain
Laboratory of Cellular Senescence, Cancer and Aging
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) Spain
Department of Biology Faculty of Science
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Cartilage Biology Unit, Rheumatology Research Group
Biomedical Research of A Coruña (INIBIC), Spain
Scientific Committee
Neurobiology Experimental Group IRYCIS
Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain
FarmaCHUS Group
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS), Spain
Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Group. CICA-INIBIC
Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Epigenetic Unit, Rheumatology Research Group
Biomedical Research of A Coruña (INIBIC) Spain
Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Group. CICA-INIBIC
Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Group. CICA
Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Day One
Age-related changes in TGF-beta signaling in osteoarthritis
Professor Peter Van der Kraan
Immunometabolism at the crossroad between inflammation and aging
Dr. María Mittelbrunn
Coffee break and poster exhibition
New insight into hearing sensorinueral aging: neuroinflammation and oxidative stress
Professor Isabel Varela Nieto
Lunch and poster exhibition
Day Two
Acceleration or retardation of epigenetic clock age by phytochemicals in health and disease
Professor Win Vanden Berghe
Epitranscriptomics: novel players involved in cellular aging and rejuvenation
Dr. Diana Guallar Artal
Coffee break and poster exhibition
Role of extracellular vesicles released from adipose tissue in obesity and its comorbidities
Dr. María Pardo
Targeting senescent cells to alleviate metabolic dysfunction
Professor Ming Xu
Lunch and poster exhibition
Day Three
Cellular senescence in cancer and aging
Dr. Manuel Collado
Macrophage-adult skin stem cells crosstalk in homeostasis and cancer
Dr. Mirna Pérez Moreno
Coffee break and poster exhibition
Targeting senescence and autophagy in Osteoarthritis: Translating cellular mechanisms into therapies
Dr. Beatriz Caramés
Award to the best talk and poster
Flash talks.
Flash talks
Abstract Submission
PI/Postdoc/PhD students/Master students/Degree students/Public
Abstract Submission:
Send an email to contact@cams2022.com indicating:
- Title of work
- Authors and affiliation
- Abstract of work.
Flash talk: 10 minutes per talk
- Size: Landscape 70 x 50 cm.
- File Formats allowed: JPG, TIFF, PNG, PDF
- Image Resolution: 300 ppp
Rules for presentations:
Extended to 20th May 2022
Dr. Juan Fafián Labora
Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Group. CICA-INIBIC
Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Professor María Arufe
Cellular Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Group. CICA-INIBIC
Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Getting there
12- 12A- 17- 22
Stop at Hospital de Oza.
6 min. walking
Stop at Avda. da Pasaxe. Viaducto.
12 min. walking
Nearest Taxi stop: Hospital de Oza
Xubias de Arriba, 5, A Coruña
6 min. walking
CAMS 2022
18-20 July 2022
Facultad de Fisioterapia
UDC Campus de Oza
15006 A Coruña
Galicia Spain
CONTACT: contact@cams2022.com